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Friendship Bracelets as a Souvenir during Kids Birthday Parties

3Aside from the food, souvenirs are one of the most anticipated items that children look forward to when attending kids birthday parties. If you are a parent who is thinking of what souvenir your child can give out to his or her friends during the birthday party, then consider home-made friendship bracelets.

If you don’t have much of an artistic knack, the most simple thing that you can come up with is an elastic friendship bracelet as a souvenir. These are bangles or “wristlets” that are used as a piece of fashion accessory but in this case, these can be worn by your child’s friends to symbolize their friendship.

The good thing about this is that it will not only help you save money by buying cheap materials for the bracelet but can also serve as a bonding activity for you and your child. Aside from that, the process of making the bracelet itself is fun and easy.

While doing the items, you can squeeze out the creative juice in your child and encourage him or her to explore different possibilities of the craft. This very activity can also help him or her to be thoughtful to people the he or she cares about.

What you need to do

Before doing this activity, the first thing that you need to do is to ask your child if he or she wants the home-made friendship bracelet as a souvenir to be given after her birthday party. If she or he agrees, then make sure that the child will be a part of the entire process such as choosing the materials, the designs, as well as the dominant colors to be used.

The first step in making the friendship bracelet is to buy the supplies needed which include sets of colorful beads of your or your child’s choice, elastic nylon string, a pair of scissors, glue gun, pieces of glue stick, tape measure or ruler, and a round nose pliers if you choose to add locks and other metal items in the bracelet. You can find old stuff in your house or buy these in the crafts store nearby.

Once you have all the materials that you need, ask your child to segregate pieces of beads according to his or her preference. Or to make the process faster, you can segregate bead pieces by yourself. Next is to come up with a bracelet design and draw in on a piece of paper. Here, you can ask your child to come up with his or her design and incorporate it with yours.

After which, get the elastic nylon. Using a tape measure or a ruler cut the string according to your desired length with a pair of scissor. Then, gather the beads that your have segregated and selected earlier and start stringing the beads into the elastic string. After that, knot the two ends of the string after you threaded the beads in it. Make sure to tie the final knot twice so it will not loosen up. Cut the excess nylon string using a scissor.

To make sure that the ends would not loosen up, you can put glue on the knots and flatten it with round nose pliers. You now have unique souvenirs that you can give out during kids birthday parties.

Pave the Way for Art during Kids Birthday Parties

3Tired of the usual theme for kids birthday party? Then try an “art class type” birthday party theme for a change. This will work especially if the birthday celebrator and his or her friends are also into art and craft works.

Since kids love attending birthday parties, this is the best time to introduce to them the beauty of art so they will develop a love for it this early. Having art class as a theme is good for the young attendees because it raises children’s level of awareness of the art around them as well as the art they can produce themselves.

The art theme

An art theme for a kids birthday party can be easy to organize. All you need is a room where little tables and chairs can be arranged so the kids will have a place for their art pieces.

Art can be incorporated during the birthday party as one of the activities that kids can do while waiting for the food to be served or after they have eaten their meals and greeted the birthday celebrator.

Having an art class as a theme can also help parents save some money because they will just have to provide all kinds of papers and boards—construction paper, tissue papers, drawing paper, watercolor paper, poster boards, foam core, and others.

When it comes to drawing materials, you can provide paints such as tempera, watercolors, acrylics, oil paints, fabric paints and dyes along with palettes and brushes for the kids to use. Other alternatives may also include printing materials such as blocks, inks, papers, frames of all sizes and styles, and precut mats, kits, including a lovely book binding kit to make three Japanese style books, clay, paper mache, glues, paste and craft materials for collage.

To avoid too much clutter during the art themed party, make sure that you:

• cover the painting area with a waterproof covering or old newspapers

• provide an overall or old clothes to protect their clothing

• instead of using stamp for block painting, substitute a small sponge, a ball of cotton wool, cork or tampon, or sliced fruits and vegetables

• provide powder water colors since these are more preferable than the usual watercolors because you can control the amount your children need

• make sure to keep the paints in small plastic containers which has a hole on top for the paint brush

• use plastic egg cartons as palettes

• add some liquid starch to thicken up the powder instead of adding extra powder or add liquid starch in a container and add some food coloring

If monitored properly, the art class theme can be the most memorable experience that your child as well as his or her friends or classmates could ever experience. Remember, it pays to have lots of patience when you use this theme because kids can be unruly if they start to have fun or mess around with the materials. When this happens, all you to do is to remind them subtly by telling them that they are in a party and they are not supposed to destroy the materials because the celebrator will be sad.

After the kids birthday party, you can give the artworks the children have made as souvenirs to one another or to their parents so these can be displayed on their respective houses.

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Scrap Booking After Kids Birthday Party

3A kids birthday party is one of the most memorable experiences any child could ever have. Since this is a special moment, the memories during this celebration should be preserved because these will remind the child of the good experiences he or she had during the younger years. In order to preserve good memories and experiences, more and more parents encourage their children to create their own scrapbooks at such an early age so they can keep their childhood memories intact.

Indeed, birthdays are one of the most fun events that people can make a scrapbook of. Experts say that scrap booking is one of the most effective and enjoyable ways of keeping birthday celebration memories safe and fun to look at. By collecting and keeping bits and pieces of memories during the birthday celebration, a child can create and tell a story. Aside from these, children can also use scrap booking as a learning experience because this can teach them the value of resourcefulness, creativity, patience, and perseverance.

A great way to keep memories

For parents, scrap booking is one of the most enjoyable activities they can share with their kids especially after the birthday celebration where every moment is fresh in the child’s mind. Aside from being a bonding time with kids, scrap booking can also be a post-birthday activity for the child with his or her friends since they are the very characters present during the celebration.

Although, scrap booking is a nice activity, parents must make sure that they teach their kids the basic of arts and crafts so no materials will be wasted. Parents should also:

• see the inclination of their children. It is important to consider the interest of the child in the craft. If your child is one of those who are into arts and into collecting mementos to create another work of art. Then she or he is the perfect candidate for the activity because she/he already has the drive and the creativity to create another masterpiece. But if your child is not yet interested with crafts and arts, it doesn’t mean he/she cannot indulge into scrapbooking. In fact, this is the perfect time to introduce him/her into a new world of exciting and enjoyable activity.

• consider the availability of space. Since scrap booking can be a messy activity, it is a must to have a space large enough for kids to do the activity. Since scrapbooking requires a lot of materials, you will need a space big enough for them to sprawl and to scatter the materials they will use for making the scrapbook. It is advisable that you provide a space where kids can do their scrapbook and a place where they can leave their stuff.

• know the amount of materials your child will need. Since you are about to teach the basics of scrap booking for a kids birthday party, you will need the materials which you can find in the four walls of your house.

Here’s a quick list of the materials and supplies your kid needs: paper or scrapbook paper, pens and colored pencils, photos, scrapbooking die-cuts and cut-outs, scrapbooking tools such as punchers, scissors, rulers, stamps, adhesives and removers, stickers of different designs, templates, embellishments such as eyelets, brads, nails and tacks, colored and specialty papers, and scrapbook apparels such as scrapbook kits for starters.

Make Your Day with Fun Children’s Birthday Party Themes

3When you send invitations for birthday parties, think about why you do it.

And also ask yourself: do those invitations get people to come along to the party?

You’re probably like most people – worrying, just a little at least, that nobody will turn up when you send invitations out for your kid’s forthcoming birthday party.

If nobody does turn up, on such a special day, you’ll have a heartbroken child. That’s not a great way for a birthday to be spent.

Invitations – why do we send them?

Okay, that might sound like a strange question to ask. But to reach a goal, we first need to fully understand it.

So, what’s the goal when sending out a birthday party invitation?

Simple – to invite everyone you want to your party!

That sounds straightforward. But who’s being invited? For a kid’s birthday, it’s their friends – and those friends will be children themselves.

So, what’s the way to invite children? You sent their birthday invitations to them through their parents.

To be sure their kids will come to your party, you need to get their parents to make sure they do.

Therefore, the crucial thing with your invitations is to include information.

A simple mistake that people make surprisingly often is to leave out some of the information parents require.

It needs to be EASY for them to bring their kids to your party, and for them to RSVP.

The Top Priority with Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Get them out early on.

The modern world runs at a quick pace, and everyone – you, your family, your kids – have activities that mean they’re doing six things at once. So, to get people enough time to get such a significant event into their schedules, you MUST allow them time.

The Information You Need to Include

* Make it clear it’s a birthday party. Say it’s a kid birthday party invitation right in the headline.
* Include your child’s names – FIRST and LAST. They may have other friends with the same first name, so make things easier by including both.
* Give the age your kid will be, since this will really help people intending to buy your kid a present.
* State both DATE and DAY the party will be, so other parents can easily check their calendars.
* WHEN THE PARTY BEGINS, especially whether it’s at lunchtime, before, or afterward.
* WHEN THE PARTY FINISHES. This piece of information is really important. You don’t want to end up with a load of restless kids, counting the minutes until their parents can rescue you by picking them up.
* Where is your party’s location? It might be at your house, but it could also be at a local restaurant, park, or even fire department. Don’t forget to add the full address, including apartment number. It’s a great idea to include a map, and if the party won’t be at your house, give them your cell number or other contact phone details.
* What kind of party are you having? Is it themed, and if so what’s the theme? Will guests be asked to wear themed outfits?
* What about food? Will it be ice cream and cake, a snack buffet, or a full meal? Some kids are diabetic – their parents should tell you whether they can eat treats.
* Add a phone number and deadline for RSVP purposes. You’ll need the deadline if you really want replies, so give a specific date. Mention if the party will be at a restaurant, to underline the importance of being able to tell the venue how many guests will attend. Again, don’t forget a phone number!

Success with Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Around seven days before the party itself, make a phone call to each parent. Check they got their invitations, and ask whether their kids will be coming to the party. Gentle reminders like this go down well, and will give you the best chance of a good attendance for your child’s birthday party.

Most people, when their child has an upcoming birthday party, send out invitations with just a little worry about nobody attending. But spending a small amount of time on these simple tips will make sure that the invitations for your kid birthday party will be a great success.

And lastly… have fun!

Foods for Kids Birthday Parties

images (3)Aside from the games and prizes, one of the things that children look forward to when attending kids birthday parties is the food. This is because kids get to eat whatever they want when they are out of the house since these are the only ones available for their consumption.

If you are one of those parents who are having a hard time what food to prepare during kids birthday parties, here are some of the foods that you can use as a guide. Remember, if you are planning for the menu of the party, you have to give utmost consideration to the taste buds of children since they will be the ones who will consume most of the food that will be prepared in the party. To ensure that they will enjoy the food, make a menu that include the usual foods that children love to eat such as cake, ice cream, chicken, pasta, cookies, barbeque, and cupcakes. For adult guests, you can make a separate menu for them to ensure that they won’t get hungry when you serve them kids foods.

Tips in selecting and preparing foods for the menu

For parents, choosing foods that will be prepared to their kids birthday party can be a daunting task. This is because there is the pressure that the guests—especially the kids—will not like the foods that will be served to them. To make food and menu preparation easy for parents, here are some tips that can help you get by:

1. Try to prepare the most favorite foods of your child. Since he or she is the “boss” for the day, the child has a say in the list of foods that can be served during the party. It is best for parents to ask their kids what are the foods they have in mind before making the final menu. Asking the child what she or he would want to eat during the party will also give you an idea what other kids might like to eat. You can also ask your child directly what he or she thinks are the foods that his or her classmates and friends will enjoy. From the child’s response, you can get a consensus what to prepare.

2. Look for new recipes that kids might enjoy. You can do this by surfing the Internet and looking for websites that can link you to new recipes that kids enjoy today. You can also but food magazines so you will have an idea how to prepare and present the foods.

3. Try to serve healthy meals. Since kids will be the ones who will eat most of the foods, try to serve them items that have nutritional value. Although it might seem impossible, you can do this by cooking the dishes by yourself and substituting healthier ingredients to the most common foods that kids eat.

4. Always make a good presentation. Most of the children that attend kids birthday parties are easily drawn to eye candies. This is why it is very important to make a good presentation when it comes to the foods that will be served during the party. Make sure that you take time off to make good food presentations so everything will look and taste good in the eyes of the children.

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Face Painting as Surefire Hit during Kids Birthday Parties

3During kids birthday parties, one of the most fun and exciting activities that parents can come up with is a face painting session. This is because kids love being painted with their favorites characters and roam around the party venue with face paints.

Experts say that face painting is surefire hit among kids during birthday parties but not so much to parents who are clueless about it. If you are one of those clueless parents who would want to have face painting sessions during the birthday party of his or her child, then now is the best time to conduct research about it.

Today, there are so many face painting artists that can be hired for kids birthday parties. But if you think that you have the artistic knack, then you can try doing it by yourself. If you plan to do the face painting sessions by yourself, the first thing that you need to understand is that face painting children is probably one of the most challenging yet rewarding tasks out there. Despite being a tiresome task especially for overly enthusiastic kids who can’t wait to see the finish product, face-painting children can help you gain patience and skill in doing the artwork quickly.

In face painting children, major considerations should be identified in order to avoid the possibility of accidents and allergic reactions. If you are face painting children, in a kids birthday party, make sure that before you begin with any session, you were able to inform the parents first about the whole thing. This is like asking for permission if they would allow their child to have their face painted during the event.

By briefly talking to the parents, you can also ask if the child has allergic reactions to chemicals or if they have skin allergies. Make sure that you don’t face paint a child that has open wounds, cuts, or rashes on the face or in any part of his or her body. This will lessen the possibility of developing infection and more complicated skin condition.

After making sure that you have no problems with the child’s skin, you should start getting the prepared materials to be used. In face painting children, it is very important to use safe materials because their skin is more sensitive compared to adults. In choosing paints for kids, make sure that you use only water-based watercolors that can be easily wiped off or cleansed with water and little gentle soap.

To avoid any allergic reactions, always use face paints that have passed under FDA’s standard for cosmetics. Never ever use acrylic paints because these will only cause allergies and even skin disorder when used in large amounts especially in sensitive areas of the face and other parts of the body.

Aside from using safe paints, one thing you need to know about face painting children during kids birthday party is that you must have lots of handy brushes and sponges that you can use. It is best to designate a brush for each color to lessen the chances of cleaning it. You must also have enough water supplies in convenient water bottle so you can dab the brush or sponge once they need cleaning.

Brushes should have soft bristles while sponges should not peel when wet. You should also have lots of design for the kids to choose from.

A Stress Free Kids Birthday Party

3Organizing a kids birthday party should not that be stressful for you for as long as you will know what to do. To help parents organize simple yet successful birthday parties for their kids, here are some tips for you:

1. Determine the theme. The theme of the party will greatly depend on the age of the child. For one year olds, it is best to have a theme that everyone can relate to. In short, you can come up with a general theme such as your kid’s favorite character or TV show and the like. For older kids, you can ask them what they want for their party. If they have not decided yet, suggest kiddie themes such as Harry Potter theme, Pirates theme or Cowboys’ theme for the boys. For the girls, you can suggest Fairy theme or Princess theme. Once you were able to come up with the theme, the rest of the steps will follow.

2. Estimate how many people, including kids, in your guest list. This is the next best thing to do after the theme. You can start with the immediate family members, cousins, uncles and aunties, grandparents, god parents. Then, the friends of your child in the neighborhood and his or her classmates if he or she is already in school. Knowing how many people will be attending will give you an idea how big the party that you need to prepare is.

3. Find a fitting venue. For some parents, their home is the most fitting venue for small parties. But if there will be many guests, it is best to find a location where everybody can move freely. You can consider the nearby theme park or a playhouse inside a mall for the location. In choosing a venue, always take note of the convenience of the attendees, wherein majority of which is kids.

4. Set the time. Most birthday parties are usually set in the afternoon when everybody has rested. But, depending on the availability of your guests as well as of the venue, you can schedule it earlier, like before lunchtime or during lunch itself.

5. Do the invitation and send it in advance. You can make your own invitations that bears the motif of the theme or you can buy ready made ones from craft stores. The most important thing is that you have sent it in advance so they the parents of the attendees can arrange their schedules.

6. Call parents of the children to be invited. This is also one good way of knowing how many attendees will be there and if there are necessary preparations for the child guest.

7. List down the foods you can prepare. Depending on the number of guests, you can make a tentative list of the foods to be prepared. In the menu, make sure to make the selections children-friendly.

8. Make a list of supplies and decorations needed. This is also important so you won’t have to cram when the day comes. If possible, decorate the venue a day ahead so you won’t have to worry about it when the date comes.

9. Create a program flow. Young attendees during kids birthday parties can be unruly. To maintain orderliness, try to come up with a program so they will know what to do.

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Welcome to the Jungle … In Your Backyard!

5This article is not about how to tame your weeds and beat back the crabgrass.

Nope! This is about how to turn your backyard into a jungle the next time your “lion king” has a birthday party and wants all the animals to come and play.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight … After All Day In the Jungle Bounce House!

Bounce houses (a/k/a moonwalks) have come a long way from the old, plain square shapes with primary colors. You can now rent bounce houses in nearly any theme you can think of, including a jungle theme with lions, tigers and … giraffes! So, it’s okay for kids to bounce off the walls. The jungle bounce house will keep them happy and wear them out.

Just remember that most bounce houses have roofs. This keeps anyone from going sailing over the wall, but it also can make the bounce houses a little hot. In the summertime, think about using a moonwalk during the cooler parts of the day.

I Bet It Rains Down in Africa … Especially on the Water Slide!

For parties on hot summer days, you just cannot beat water slides Tempe AZ. Inflatable slides can be used wet, but add a touch of the rainforest with a wet slide. You can even double your fun with a bounce house/wet slide combo! Wet-water fun will keep the kids more comfortable and help protect them from the dangers of too much heat.

Although bouncy houses and water slides are built kid-tough, they do need adult supervision. Your rental company should be able to provide safety info. And make sure your vendor will anchor the rides and clean them before use.

It’s a Jungle Out There

With some jungle-themed plates, cups and napkins, animal-print balloons and party favors, and maybe even a CD playing monkey calls, your backyard will become the Serengeti in no time. Your local party rental vendor can help fill in with chairs, tables, tents — whatever you need to bring out the wild in your suburban backyard.